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Teleos: Discover your Destiny
Coming soon, a prayer board and other resources to help you discover God's plan for your life!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bring it on!

I must admit to taking a perverse pleasure from reading literature written to debunk the Christian faith. My usual response is one of, "Is that the best they can do?" I've just finished looking at a typical example posted on a forum by a teenager asking for advice as to how to respond to it.

To be blunt, I fear that anyone desperate enough to actually want to believe that the author's views merit serious consideration is doing their utmost to run away from God. In other words, the Holy Spirit has touched a raw nerve - they don't want to give in to the inescapable truth that Jesus is alive and has a claim on their life, so they clutch at logical straws to try to delay the inevitable.

First and foremost, such a person needs prayer while we lovingly help them unravel the mess they have argued themselves into. They do not need to be told they are stupid or gullible for uncritically accepting nonsense - they are looking for something, anything that would help shore up a disintegrating worldview.

A few specifics about the site I've been looking at - ignoring the amusing typographical errors - the central focus appears to surrond exposing a conspiracy by the Apostle John to fabricate Jesus' miracles and resurrection, using clues left in, you've guessed it, John's Gospel! And people wonder why we say it takes more faith to be an atheist than a Christian.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

A book for the reality TV generation.

I have a confession to make. I saw the live broadcast from the first series of Big Brother where the housemates suddenly realise that they have been betrayed by 'Nasty' Nick. Rhe look on their faces deserves to be immortalised as one of the classic moments that defined modern TV.

If you've never read Don Richardson's Peace Child, get hold of a copy - and you will find out how a tribe who prized this sort of trickery came to a genuine faith in Jesus Christ - the first time they heard the gospel story they viewed Judas Iscariot as the hero of the tale.

But this is where reality TV meets the church on common ground. People love watching reality TV shows because it shows people just like us, warts and all, put into situations where they can't rely on hiding behind a mask.

Which is precisely what the Bible is all about. One key factor that demonstrates its authenticity is that it doesn't paint all the characters as saints with no faults. It pulls no punches in recording both the triumphs and failings of ordinary people - just like you and me - as they encountered an extraordinary God.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Christian Apologetics

The purpose of apologetics is to give a reasoned account of why you believe what you believe. Not because we can reason people into the Knigdom - we can't; but because our testimony can help remove stumbling blocks that would otherwise hinder someone from considering the claims of Jesus Christ on their life.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The uniqueness of Jesus

Jesus is a unique figure in human history. Others may have claimed to be the Messiah both before and after Him. But they lack certain specifics that bring his claims out into the forefront and demand a response from us.

Fulfilled prophecy - there are many specific prophecies in the Old Testament that speak of what the Messiah would be like - where He would be born, what He would do, and how He would die. I cannot think of even one that He overlooked during His time on earth. Some, you might engineer with a little creativity - but others have the clear stamp of Divine intervention on them.

Teaching with authority - Jesus had a unique message centred on His identity as the only-begotten Son of the Father.

Miracles - Although miracles do not produce faith, they do bear witness to the authority of the one who works them - pointing to the source of power, the character and compassion of the Most High. They catch our attention

Resurrection - Jesus' resurrection, and appearances to His followers transformed them from a fearful company to a bold, proactive, dynamic church.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

looking forwards

Before He left, Jesus made us a promise; that He would return.

We can look forwards to Jesus' return in the same way that He left - via the heavens, in great power and glory.

Until then, He has left us here on earth to act as his ambassadors, continuing His work of reconciliation.

To help us with that task, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in each of us, prompting us, equipping us and enabling us to finish the good work already begun in each of us.

This is an awesome privilege - saints in other ages looked forward to our times and longed to be a part of this great enterprise.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Who do you say I am?

An important question. Your perspective on the identity of Jesus gives a unique insight to the core beliefs that motivate you. Who or what do you worship? Whose authority do you respect? What teachings do you follow? What is most important to you?

The question was asked by Jesus to his followers. They had seen His power and had experienced that same sense of authority in their own lives. Now they were confronted with the reality of His claims.

To claim to be God's son was to claim equality with Him. Not something to be undertaken lightly - and not to be trifled with if it was not true.