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Monday, October 09, 2006

Faulty Logic

When I was much younger, I came across the following bit of reasoning...

God is all-powerful and all-loving

A God who is all-loving will not want people to suffer.

A God who is all-powerful will be able to prevent people from suffering.

People suffer.

Therefore God is either not all-powerful or not all-loving.

Therefore God (as defined above) does not exist.

Which is all fine and well if your god will fit into a nice neat box (preferably a wooden one).

Unfortunately, mine refuses to play by those rules and tells me I'm barking up the wrong tree if I have the arrogance to assume that He's some kind of slot machine.

But why bother with theological point scoring, life's too short for that, or fruitlessly trying to earn divine brownie points?

Faith is a gift - it cannot be earned by any amount of good deeds or good arguments.


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