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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bring it on!

I must admit to taking a perverse pleasure from reading literature written to debunk the Christian faith. My usual response is one of, "Is that the best they can do?" I've just finished looking at a typical example posted on a forum by a teenager asking for advice as to how to respond to it.

To be blunt, I fear that anyone desperate enough to actually want to believe that the author's views merit serious consideration is doing their utmost to run away from God. In other words, the Holy Spirit has touched a raw nerve - they don't want to give in to the inescapable truth that Jesus is alive and has a claim on their life, so they clutch at logical straws to try to delay the inevitable.

First and foremost, such a person needs prayer while we lovingly help them unravel the mess they have argued themselves into. They do not need to be told they are stupid or gullible for uncritically accepting nonsense - they are looking for something, anything that would help shore up a disintegrating worldview.

A few specifics about the site I've been looking at - ignoring the amusing typographical errors - the central focus appears to surrond exposing a conspiracy by the Apostle John to fabricate Jesus' miracles and resurrection, using clues left in, you've guessed it, John's Gospel! And people wonder why we say it takes more faith to be an atheist than a Christian.


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